Face to face. Chose between group and one to one lessons.
Meet great teachers, make new friends, enjoy the school facilities and amazing coffee. Read a book from our library for students and practice with locals.
Besides dance lessons, you will also find cooking lessons, language exchanges, dance exchanges, and much more! Take 4 hours a day to make the most out of your lessons while meeting new friends, and our whole team that will be helping your through your Spanish learning journey.
Group Lessons
- Cost per hour: 9,50 USD. Discounts apply when taking more than 20 hours
- Daily duration: 2 or 4 hours per day
- Number of Students: 2-7
- Focus on Practice with classmates
- Advantages: Make new friends in class. Listening to your classmates’ good and wrong answers helps a lot during the learning process
One to one lessons
- Cost per hour: 19,50 USD. Discounts apply when taking more than 20 hours
- Daily duration: 2 or 4 hours per day
- Number of Students: 1
- Focus on your needs and way of learning
- You will have a teacher 100% designated to improve your Spanish Level
Online Lessons
Once we have determined the level that better suits you, our teacher will identify your way of learning, will create a program based on our curriculum aimed to improve your skills, and will arrange your schedule for your future lessons.
We recommend no more than 2 hours a day because we strongly believe from our experience that quality is way more important than quantity. We want you to learn and be able to use knowledge, not to have a lot of content and not be able to use it.
- Cost per hour: 19,50 USD. Discounts apply when taking more that 20 hours.
- Daily duration: 2 or 4 hours per day
- Number of Students: 1
- Focus on your needs and way of learning
- You will have a teacher 100% designated to improve your Spanish Level
How do I know my level and how to start?
Three simple steps
2) Book and assessment test to confirm your level: coordinator@valleyspanishschool.com
3) Book your lessons and start learning