
Is your kid struggling with Spanish at school?

We know how difficult it is for some children to learn Spanish at school. There are different reasons that could make them feel frustrated when learning Spanish. Here are a just few we have

1. Fear of making mistakes
At some point, making mistakes can generate rejection when learning Spanish or any other language. It is important that the tutor helps the students recognize that making mistakes is a part of the process, and that we learn from those mistakes.

2. Thinking Spanish
is too fast
As with any language, native speakers speak in all sorts of paces. Some can be slow, and some can speak fast, up to the point that some words might be missed in the process…
Music and short readings help increase comprehension. Always use this tools.

3. Finding true motivation
Music, cartoons, and short
readings are amazing ways of keeping kids focused. The natural curiosity, channeled properly, has outstanding results.



Experienced teachers can make a big difference when learning a new language. It’s vital to the process of acquiring a second language that the teacher involved knows what motivates the students and identifies how he/she learns. Recognizing this important detail requires knowledge and a couple hundred miles in the teacher’s resume.

Why choose a Valley Spanish School:

1) Experienced teachers
2) In house curriculum
3) Colombia has the easiest pronunciation of latin countries. Only native teachers
4) Thousands of students love our unique teaching style
5) Guaranteed results

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